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11 Habits to Adopt for Seriously Healthy Hair

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The concept of building habits for healthy hair is still foreign to many. In fact, a lot of individuals still feel that they will have to invest too much to get their tresses in tip-top shape.

But, that’s not the reality. Just a handful of good hair habits can do wonders. Hence to help you adopt it all quicker, down here we are mentioning just 11 habits, and trust us these are super effortless!

1. Take care of your scalp

When your scalp will be healthy, your tresses will automatically get shine and length. Hence, if you are having an itchy, flaky, dry, or oily scalp don’t avoid it at all. Understand the issues you have been facing, for example, if it’s a chronic itch, buy shampoos or essential oils that will treat this specific condition. To add that extra hydration and boost blood circulation, make sure to massage your scalp with olive  or peppermint oil an hour before washing.

2. Trim regularly

Hair growth is something everyone craves for and chopping that extra length off while it’s still growing is difficult, we understand. But to help your hair grow faster, you will have to get rid of that dry and split ends. Thus, to ensure that the tips aren’t splitting up, make sure to trim your lengths after every three to four months.

3. Go natural with styling


Beachy hair, straight strands, curly heads – you name it, and influencers out there will always come up with some different hair trends every month. But, if possible stay away from all these trends, or even if you are doing it, give your tresses extra care the next week. Try natural drying, say no to tight headbands, and avoid unnecessary pulling as much as you can.

4. Make hair protectants your friend


Even though we have asked you to go natural with styling, building a 100% heat-free lifestyle is unrealistic. Hence, try getting a bit smart here. For example, while blow drying, keep the heat level low or go for a cooler setting.  Also, make sure to add a layer of heat protection spray on your lengths while curling or straightening.

5. Condition every week


Heat tools, stress, dye, and pollutants can make your strands look worse. Hence one serious habit you must incorporate into your hair care routine is deep conditioning, at least once a week. Deep conditioning repairs hair from all the damage and restores moisture, to help you give healthy lengths for the next week.

6. Play with hats and caps


If you constantly move out of your house during noon time, sun rays can literally damage your hair and your skin too. Therefore, always keep hats and caps in your wardrobe. In this way, you will not just be protecting your hair from burning but even your skin from dehydrating.

7. Say NO to hot showers


Hot showers can relax you during those boring days, but it’s a big NO-NO for hair washing. In fact, if you have colored your strands, the water will wash it all out faster. And to the worst, hot showers can dry your lengths out, hence leaving it with no moisture at all. If it’s not hot, it’s always good to take lukewarm showers.

8. Avoid touching your lengths


We know you love your wavy, straight, curly hair so much that you can adore them all day long. But, it’s not good for your lengths, in fact, you can unknowingly transfer dirt from your hand to your hair quite often. And also, your hands can take away all the natural oils, leaving your hair broken or dry.

9. Use wooden combs


Excessive brushing is a big NO, but that doesn’t mean you should not brush your lengths at all. Try brushing your hair once a day, and opt for a wooden comb instead of a plastic one.

10. Eat good


Getting healthy hair is not a one-day or one-week thing, you will have to stay healthy from within, and then only your tresses will grow and shine. Hence, for this reason, avoid oily food and eat greens as much as you can, so that your body will pass out enough protein to your hair follicles. Your diet must contain eggs, spinach, avocado, salmon, leafy greens, and walnuts.

11. Change hair products

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Many individuals are hesitant about changing hair products because they feel that their lengths have built resistance to these products. But that’s wrong, in fact, to get healthier, shinier hair you must swap products quite often. For example, if the weather out there is cold, stick to shampoos and oils that will be moisturizing and hydrating like Red Onion Oil and Red Onion Shampoo. For summers, you can stick to almond or jojoba oil.

Closing Words

That was it. See, adopting healthy habits is not really difficult at all. Make sure to go all easy on yourself, and try adopting one habit at a time and you will definitely see the real difference. If not everything in this list, at least try to stick to 7 habits to get the locks and lengths of your dreams!

While you are making healthy choices and developing new habits, make sure to choose natural, chemical-free formulations to treat your hair with kindness.

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