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Tag: skincare

How To Use Ylang Ylang Essential Oil For Better Health?

The essential oil of Ylang-Ylang is derived by steam distilling the flowers of the plant. These flowers have a golden colour and are star-shaped. The fragrance intensity of the oil produced varies. The extraction process splits them into grades based on the order in which they are carried out. It is said that the oil […]

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Kansa wand: The Ayurveda-approved skincare tool

Ayurveda has all the answers – sometimes in the form of herbs, sometimes as metals. One such wonder is “Kansa”. Kansa (AKA Bell Metal) is a blend of copper and tin. For ages, Kansa is used by humans to create holistic wellness. We use this metal for creating utensils, storing water, and for massages. For […]

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6 reasons why you should include Kumkumadi oil in your skincare regimen 

The first line of defense for the body is skin. Skin is also what others see first. The appearance and nature of our skin have a relation to how others perceive us. If one has skin that looks young, is well-nourished, and is free from blemishes, then that person will be considered beautiful. Maintaining skin […]

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How to use rose water to treat dryness of skin

Are you constantly worried about your dry skin? Are you looking for a product that soothes and smoothens your dry skin? Well, choosing rose water is the solution to all your dry skin problems. You can incorporate rose water into your everyday skincare routine. With the use of this fantastic skincare solution, you can bid […]

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