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Tag: Red Onion Shampoo

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7 Reasons Why Onion Shampoo Helps in Faster Hair Regrowth

Hair loss affects people of all ages these days. Unexpected hair loss can be caused by a variety of genetic, hormonal, natural, or chemical factors, and it is almost always accompanied by additional scalp problems such as split ends, frizzy hair, greying hair, etc. Considering how much people these days choose natural, home cures, utilizing […]

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Miracles of Argan Oil – for skin and hair

With millions of remedies floating in the beauty industry for your hair growth and skin care, it becomes quite complicated to decide on the best product out of all. One widely used solution for almost all skin and hair-related problem is Argan Oil – The liquid gold. Keep reading to know more about this natural […]

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Sulfate shampoo VS Sulfate-free shampoo which one is better?

Most of the hair care products in the market these days promote themselves as sulfate-free. The term has become quite popular amongst brands as well as consumers. However, have you ever thought about what does sulfate-free actually means? How different they are from sulfate containing products, and what are their benefits? Well, if you have […]

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